Halal Pig International


Geert Wilders + Fitna = Charlie Chaplin + The Great Dictator

by Muezzin London Dry Djinn - French version

SITA HollandeWilders + Fitna = chaplin + dictateur
Rising European National Socialist (Nazi) party of chancelor Hitler was the biggest threat to peace in the world by the end of the first half of the 20th century.
Rising European Submission (Islam) sect of prophet Mahomet is the biggest threat to peace in the world by the beginning of this first half of the 21th century.
Charlie Chaplin read chancelor's Hitler book, Mein Kampf (my fight), and compared to what the Nazis actually did, not only in their native country (Germany) but also outside it, in Europe, he understood that they was just following Hitler's project for mankind. A project clearly explained black on white in his book. A project which would for sure bring the whole planet into war.
Geert Wilders read prophet Mahomet's book, Al Coran (the recitation), and compared to what the muslim are actually doing, not only in their native country (Saudia Arabia) but also outside it, in Europe, he understood that they are just following Mahomet's project for mankind. A project clearly explained black on white in his book. A project which will for sure bring the whole planet into war.
Charlie Chaplin did a movie to warn the world : The Great Dictator.
Geert Wilders did a movie to warn the world : Fitna.
Both Chaplin and Wilders faced EXACTLY the same reactions from EXACTLY the same people.

The Great Dictator is Charlie Chaplin’s overtly anti-Fascist, anti-Nazi opus.
Fitna is Geert Wilders overtly anti-Fascist, anti-Islam opus.

What have been forgotten is just how daring it was for Chaplin to produce his film in the context of his times.
What people refuse to face is just how daring it is for Geert Wilders to produce his film in the context of his times.

Chaplin began planning The Great Dictator about three year before Hitler invaded Austria, and in the USA he worked freely as the country was free of any significant Nazi community.
Wilders began planning Fitna after the 9-11, the bombings in Madrid, then in London, and the killing of movie maker Théo Van Gogh by a muslim. He had to work under police protection because of an important hostile muslim community settled in Holland.

Chaplin’s anti-fascist and anti-Nazi views were not quite so controversial, but at the time of pre-production most Americans still did not care much about what was going on in Europe and did not want to take sides between Hitler and those he persecuted. The U.S. was operating under an isolationist foreign policy to stay out of the conflict, and in a 1939 poll, 96 percent of Americans reported that they opposed entering the war.
Wilder’s anti-fascist and Anti-Islam views were already controversial at the time of pre-production, but most Europeans still do not care much about what is going on in Europe and do not want to take sides between Islam best adepts and those they killed. Europe is operating under a cover-up ostrich policy in the hope to avoid increase of the internal conflict between muslim and non-muslim populations, and a survey by TNS Nipo institute found two-thirds of those polled thinking that the film is a bad idea and three-quarters believing that the film could sour relations between Muslims and non-Muslims.

In 1939 most of Hollywood was unwilling to produce films that dealt with or opposed Nazi Germany, for fear that the government would censor them or break up the industry.
In 2008 European medias are unwilling to handle the wilder's anti-Koran film because it is dealing with or opposed to Islamic countries, for fear that the government would censor them or that muslims would attack them as they did with a Danish ambassy.

An U.S. Senate committee called Chaplin in to testify about his film's suggestion that Americans should fight the Nazis, the British government announced that it would prohibit its exhibition in the United Kingdom in keeping with its appeasement policy concerning Nazi Germany, and the F.B.I. became concerned that he was a “premature anti-fascist.”.
The Dutch foreign and justice ministers met Wilders to warn him of the possible consequences of showing his film, including possible charges against him, Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende publicly appealed for restraint of the film in keeping with its appeasement policy concerning Muslims countries, while the Dutch Muslim Council simply considered Wilders as trying to provoke.

In the U.S. German sympathizers threatened to set off stink bombs in theaters showing Chaplin's movie.
Islam sympathizers threatened to set off not just stink bombs but real bombs, not only in theaters showing Wilders's movie but worldwide.

Chaplin was very much ahead of his time. In 1939, it was simply politically incorrect to be publicly anti-Nazi.
Wildeers is very much ahead of his time. In 2008, it is simply not acceptable to be publicly anti-islam.

Chaplin was a visionary who early on foresaw the dangers that could arise out of Mein Kampf and Nazism, just as he had foreseen the potentially dehumanizing effects of industrialism with his previous film, Modern Times.
Wilders is a visionary who early on foresaw the dangers that could arise out of Al Coran and Islam, just as Theo Van Gogh had foreseen the potentially tyrannic effects of the Quran on women with the previous anti-islam film, Submission.

Hitler banned Chaplin's film in Germany and in all occupied countries (although he allegedly got himself a copy which he viewed twice). It remained banned in Spain until Franco died in 1975.
Iran urged Dutch to ban wilder's film and the Dutch government instantly kneeled, looking into whether the anti-Koran film from Geert Wilders can be banned before its release. The muslim alleged-intellectual Tarik Ramadan called the muslims to a self-ban of talking about the film.

There were criticisms made of Chaplin's The Great Dictator besides those of the politicians. Film critics claimed that the film lacked technical merit.
There will be criticisms made of Wilders's Fitna besides those of the politicians. Film critics will claim that the film is lacking technical merit.

Chaplin created The Great Dictator when the real atrocities of the Nazi ideology were not yet known outside where they were taking place. The war had only just begun, yet Chaplin seemed to know that something horrible was about to occur. Although his film would argue that this inevitability could be prevented and that it didn’t have to be that way, his message would come too late.
Wilders created Fitna when the real atrocities of the Islam ideology were not yet known outside where they were taking place. The doted terrorism war is just beginning, worse is yet to come. Although his film is arguing that it doesn’t have to be that way, that this supposed inevitability can in fact be prevented by simply deciding to ban the Koran, will his message come in time or be already too late ?

Let's support Geert Wilders in his fight against the islamic fascism :

1a. Print (File [> View before printing] > Print... or Ctrl+P) the two first pages of this article (= one sheet front-back). No printer ? see the Postcard option below at 2a.
Basic stamp (20 gr.) allows sending two sheets, so :
1b. Either print (File [> View before printing] > Print... or Ctrl+P) the two first pages of the french version of this article (= a second sheet front-back) to show it is an international action or print the two first pages of the article "Axis of islam : the verses of hate"

2a. Simply send those pages as a letter to support Geert Wilders in his fight from freedom.

Geert Wilders
Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal
Postbus 20018

Message suggestion for Postcard Option : "Wilders + Fitna = Chaplin + The Great dictator". Signature : halal-pig.blogspot.com

2b. Show to dutch politicians of the Dutch government that they are dhimmis : send also those pages to one (or better : several) of them.
To find their postal address, click on the link below their portrait which open their specific ministry website. No link ? Go to Google and search for nederland ministry of name-of-the-ministry-you-are-looking-for then go to the Contact (or address) page.
Message suggestion for postcard Option : "Wilders + Fitna = Chaplin + The Great dictator. You = dhimmi". Signature : halal-pig.blogspot.com

2c. The american hosting company Networks Solutions, which originaly hosted the website fitnathemovie.com, censored the website !. As with all dhimmis, they will delete with a click each email sent with a click and do not care about any phone call, without forgeting that they technically can forward to muslims, or be stolen by them, emails of people supporting Geert Wilders. Letters will blame Networks Solutions more efficiently as well as protecting the senders.
As previously, send the present article by post and stamp to :

Network Solutions, LLC
13861 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 300

3. From France, stamp at 0,65 € to Holland and 0.85 € to USA (march. 2008). Here are the rates from Belgium, Swiss, Luxembourg, Canada, le Maroc, Algeria, Tunisia et Monaco). Other countries can join !

4. Done ? Tell us on the Sitathon to push other people to act. You can also subscribe to our Newsletter.

You've done all the SITA actions but you still would like to act ? Visit Amnesty International.

Facts source for The Great Dictator: Brattle Theatre Film Notes and Wikipedia


Sharia law is BS !

by Muezzin London Dry Djinn

SITA Great-Britainmiddle-age fossil Suhaib Hasan, found in LeytonBritish muslims want to offer sharia law to Britain
And claim that sharia be given legal authority.

The poisonous gift was revealed in the Telegraph article 'We want to offer sharia law to Britain'

The article explains that islamic courts already exist, without any legal authority, except that many muslims ask them to rule divorces, wedding or money conflicts, then follow their decisions. After that step, and only after it, they go to british courts to have the islmaic court decision validated.

The muslims claim that islamic courts be given legal authority to avoid the muslims to do their demands twice.

Trouble is that, if you scratch a little bit the civilized paint coating the "tolerant and peacefull" muslim will, you quickly find the middle-age mentally on which sharia law is based.
Under the paint, "doctor" Suhaib Hasan, spokesman of the Muslim Council of Britain do not heisitate to say : "Even though cutting off the hands and feet, or flogging the drunkard and fornicator, seem to be very abhorrent, once they are implemented, they become a deterrent for the whole society.

fossil --doctor-- Suhaib Hasan from Leyton, Steph Bergol style
Just a little bit of friendly free advice : pack and go visiting Arabia, one-way ticket.
Un petit conseil amical : fais tes valises et vas visiter l'Arabie, Aller-simple.

30 years ago, if we had decided to kick out to Arabia all the "doctors" model Suhaib Hasan, walking, with a good kick in the ass every twenty steps, this could have been seen as very cruel to the first one but this would have been very deterrent. Never any single middle-age fossil would have said any more word. In one generation, all "doctors" moving naturaly from mosque to cemetery, we would have already eliminated the main non-integration source of a well-known community.

Doing this might be necessary in a near future but before lets try some diplomacy to have the "doctor" portrayed on the article to understand he would be definitively wise to quickly forget every and all ideas he could have about any kind of legal independence.

The excerpt of the article allowing a SITA action is that one :
Dr Hasan is a judge, and this is a sharia court - in east London. It sits, innocuously, at the end of a row of terrace houses in Leyton
Extended name of "docteur" Hasan is given under the picture : Suhaib Hasan.
Extended name, town : we need nothing more to find the public address of the "doctor".

A search "Suhaib Hasan Leyton" on Google gives the address of Al-Tawhid mosque where the "doctor" spreads his fantasies (see also siratemustaqeem.com forum ).

1. Print (File > Print... or Ctrl+P) first page of the Telegraph article 'We want to offer sharia law to Britain'. This will tell him why he is receiving letters.

2. On the back, print (File > Print... or Ctrl+P) first page of this article.
If he wants to sue somebody regarding freedom of speech in Europe, he will know who to attack (forget about dynamite suit please).

3. Basic stamp allows sending two paper sheets. Print (File > Print... or Ctrl+P) as you whish :
- first and second page of the hilarious article Une bonne claque aux idées qui rampent ! by cartoonist Steph Bergol
- the two first pages of chapter 12 of 1923 book "Islam and the musulman psychologiy" by André Servier. If you feel sadistic today, you can instead print the two first pages in french (chapitre 13 in the original edition)
- if you feel very sadistic you can send one of the various french sum-up about islam. The spanish version might recall him the "good ole days" of the Reconquista, which is not very old from an historical point of view.

4. Send your SITA letter to address of Al-Tawhid mosque where the "doctor" spreads his fantasies (see also siratemustaqeem.com forum ).
From France to Great-Britain, stamp at 0.60 € (jan. 2008). Here are the rates from Belgium, Swiss, Luxembourg, Canada, le Maroc, Algeria, Tunisia et Monaco). Other countries can join !

5. Done ? Tell us on the Sitathon to push other people to act. You can also subscribe to our Newsletter.

You've done all the SITA actions but you still would like to act ? Visit Amnesty International.

Your fatwa is BS !

by Muezzin London Dry Djinn

SITA IndeL'acteur Bollywoodien Salman KhanSalman got a fatwa.
No, we are not talking about Salman Rushdie, but he is from India too. The "guilty your honor" is Bollywood's actor Salman Khan, often known as Bollywood's Bad boy.
His "unforgivable" crime against islam ? Having unveiled his wax statue at Madame Tussaud's in London !

He is not fatwa-ed to death, because islam is a peacefull religion (yeah, right...). He is just no longer muslim and must read the shahada all over again to go back to the umma. The gag is detailed in the Hindustan Times article 'Fatwa against Salman for Tussauds statue'

It is the famous (irony...) Mufti Darul Ifta Salim Ahmad Kasmi who fatwa-ed so, after being asked by the famous too (irony too) Dr Sakhawat Khan.

The islamic law, sharia, allows cutting off the hands and feet, or flogging the drunkard and fornicator, but stricly forbids painting and sculpting. Allah loves what is beautifull is supposed to be a muslim saying, but the islamic meaning of "beauty" sounds somewhat different from the western one...
A wax statue is a sculpture, so it is VERBOTEN HARAM, strictly FORBIDEN !

reading quran turns you dumb, a cartoon by Steph Bergol
Let's be diplomat so that the famous Mufti the article is talking about will understand he should seriously consider being concerned about heavily toning his fatwa fantasies.

The excerpt of the article allowing a SITA action is the following :
A fatwa has been issued against the actor by Dehradun-based Mufti Darul Ifta Salim Ahmad Kasmi.
Full name (full, indeed !), town, continent : that's (almost) enough to find the public address of the great mufti.

A "Dehradun india" search on Google allows to find in Wikipedia the website of the town http://dehradun.nic.in/ which indicates it is the Capital of Uttarakhand State with more than 400.000 people.

In the international telephone directory infobel.com, click on India in the zone Asia & Middle East.
Then click on the link Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd which gives access to a State-wise Telephone Directory.
In the list of the states, click on Uttaranchal (it is Uttarakhand, the english writing of the bengali is erratic...).
In the menu on top of the page, unfold Directory then choose Dehradun SSA (what is the meaning of SSA ? No idea !).
Finaly we open the form allowing to find telephone and address of people in the town of Dehradun, India, from their name.

Unfortunately... neither Darul Ifta Salim Ahmad Kasmi nor Sakhawat Khan are listed !

BUT... if we search for only darul, we find "MADARSA DARUL ULEM FAZERASHMI".
Knowing that madarsa is an islamic school, and because we cannot find the Empty-Dumpty mufti, or his client, we will search for all the madarsa in the town of Dehradun. No doubt that Empty-Dumpty mufti hangs around one of them and, anyway, diplomatic letters from all around the world are good for international relations.
The form gives four addresses (and telephone). The cryptic words null all over the list are computer bugs (display of empty datas : the high reputation of indian computer engineers is a fake, pure propaganda from globalization and delocalization fans !)

Let's print our diplomatic letters for all the Darul Ifta etc. Muftis in Dehradun :

1. Print (File > Print... or Ctrl+P) the first page of Hindustan Times article 'Fatwa against Salman for Tussauds statue'. This will tell them why they are receiving letters.

2. On the back, print (File > Print... or Ctrl+P) first page of this blog article.
If they want to sue somebody regarding globalization of freedom of speech, they will know who to attack (forget about dynamite suits please).

3. Basic stamp allows sending two paper sheets. Print (File > Print... or Ctrl+P) as you whish :
- first and second page of the hilarious article Une bonne claque aux idées qui rampent ! by cartoonist Steph Bergol
- the two first pages of chapter 12 of 1923 book "Islam and the musulman psychologiy" by André Servier. If you feel sadistic today, you can instead print the two first pages in french (chapitre 13 in the original edition)
- if you feel very sadistic you can send one of the various french sum-up about islam.

4. Send your SITA letter to one of the four madarsas previously found.
From France to India, stamp at 0.85 € (jan. 2008). Here are the rates from Belgium, Swiss, Luxembourg, Canada, le Maroc, Algeria, Tunisia et Monaco). Other countries can join !

5. Done ? Tell us on the Sitathon to push other people to act. You can also subscribe to our Newsletter.

You've done all the SITA actions but you still would like to act ? Visit Amnesty International.


Muslim riots in France : november 2007, the videos

Villiers-Le-Bel 26th november 2007

Villiers-le-Bel : the next day

The next day in Sartrouville...






Fanny Truchelut + The lucrative ideological business of Caroline Fourest

SITA FranceHoria Domati propagandiste de l'islamofascisme en FranceBy Wikipédia + Die Weisse Rose
You can help : print this article or this one and send it to the islamofascit Horia Demiati (address available here) from your country.
Other article in english at Gallia Watch here

Yvette (Fanny) Truchelut is part owner of a bed-and-breakfast type of hostel. On August 11, 2006, Truchelut was 53 years old, with 4 children. As a condition of providing lodging, she asked two female Muslim boarders to remove their headscarves in the public rooms of this hostel. (These were the large TV room and dining hall of the hostel.)

A lawsuit was initiated by one of the females (Horia Demiati), and the Movement Against Racism and for Friendship Between People (MRAP). Truchelut was sued for refusal to provide a good or a service

1) due to the origin, whether belonging to it or not belonging to it, of an ethnicity or a determined nationality (on grounds that two women were wearing the veil)

2) due to one's belonging, or not belonging, to a determined race (on grounds that two women were wearing the veil)

3) due to one's belonging, or not belonging, to a determined religion (on grounds that two women were wearing the veil)

In France, the case has been treated as symbolic of the "Islamization" of French society and the loss of control over private property. Presidential candidate Philippe de Villiers offered free legal services to Fanny Truchelut. The trial began on October 2, 2007, and October 9 she was convicted, fined 5800 euros, and sentenced to four months of imprisonment. The case is on appeal.


The lucrative ideological business of C. Fourest.

Once again, it is with annoyance that I read the typical "precious verbal diarrhoea" of Caroline Fourest, trying to justify to Riposte Laïque (Secular Reply) her positions on the hidious Fanny Truchelut case. Her remarks are shamefull and once again the disgrace of this country giving birth to such sectarians.

After having explained her position at greater lenght to her "friend", the moderator of Riposte Laïque, she bluntly attacked Fanny Truchelut by charging her about the financing of her court action, by Villiers-Varaut. (Villiers beeing the right party leader and Varaut a right wing sollicitor). Why hasn't she jumped in, with her leftist sectarian friends of Charlie Hebdo, to defend her in the first place ? Where were all these nice souls when needed, against the hatred of the MRAP and LDH (two extrem human right organisations, supporters of radical islam). These right-thinking-people sparkled by their absence.

Oh yeah, through, Fanny Truchelut is not as mediatical as the Danish cartoons, which gave to the Parisians, so called defenders of secularism, the opportunity to promote themselves on the back of the freedom of expression !

Finally, the condescendant, lessons giving Fourest states: "Fanny declares that our traditions have to be defended." "She did never put in front women's rights." This is outreagous ! One doesn't go without the other. Yes, miss Fourest, our VALUES ARE NOT NEGOTIABLE ! Yes, miss Fourest the women's freedom, the freedom of expression are worth a fight, even a war and also give our lives. You, miss, as you say, you have a cushy job in Paris and your lucrative business is the only fight against Ramadan. Book after book you take the money and run.

Ramadan is not alone on the obscurantist planet. Action on global scale is needed and that's what I'm suggesting, dear petitioner. Watch the project on the frontline of my blog. However, I don't want you. Your sectarism could be counter productive, as well as idiotic next to those who suffer the radical islam persecutions in their own flesh.


New Muhammed cartoon : congratulation to the Swedish newspaper Nerikes Allehanda for its defense of freedom

by Imam Oink-Oink adapted from The Local. Action en français
SITA SuèdeMahomet Suède CaricatureThe Örebro local newspaper Nerikes Allehanda published a Muhammed cartoon on August 18 to illustrate an editorial on self-censorship and freedom of religion.

"The editorial was critical of the fact that so many had turned down Vilks's drawings for fear of the reactions they would provoke," Nerikes Allehanda's chief editor Ulf Johansson told AFP.

On Saturday, a week after the publication, a group of about 60 Muslims held a demonstration outside the newspaper's office to protest against the publication of the sketch.

Yesterday, Iran summoned a Swedish diplomat to its foreign ministry on Monday to protest against a cartoon in a Swedish newspaper depicting the head of Prophet Muhammad on a dog's body, Sweden's foreign ministry said.

"Gunilla von Bahr, Sweden's charge d'affaires, was summoned to the Iranian foreign ministry today where she received a protest from the Iranian government," foreign ministry spokeswoman Anna Björkander told AFP.

caricature mahomet suède mohammed cartoon muhammed swedenToday, Ahmadinedjad himself has spoken about the cartoons, considering that "zionists" are behind them.

The paper that published the cartoon defends his choice in an editorial. According to Lars Ströman, the right to ridicule a religion is as important as the right to choose a religion, in a free country.

If the cartoon can be found so so, representing Muhammed as a dog is a happy coincidence if you think about what is the dog in islam, . A dog in islam is something as impure as a pig, which makes the expression "dirty infidel dog" rougher that what can be thought on a westerner point of view. Well... this is the funny joke of the waterer watered, isn't it ? A few hadiths for the end :

From Bukhari Vol. 4, #540

Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar: Allah's Apostle ordered that the dogs should be killed.

From Abu Dawud #2839

Abd Allah B. Mughaffal reported the apostle of Allah as saying: Were dogs not a species of creature I should command that they all be killed; but kill every pure black one.

The Hadith's note for #2839 says, "The prophet did not order the killing of all the dogs, for some are to be retained for hunting and watching. He ordered to kill the jet black ones. They might be more mischievous among them.

From Muslim #3814

Ibn Mughaffal reported: Allah's messenger ordered the killing of dogs and then said, "what is the trouble with them (the people of Medina? How dogs are nuisances to them (the citizens of Medina)? He then permitted keeping of dogs for hunting and (the protection of) herds. ...[and for] for the protection of cultivated land.

Let's congratulate the redaction, Ulf Johansson (chief editor) or Lars Ströman (Editorial writer) of this newspaper for their courage in the defense of the freedom of speech in Europe.

1. Print the article (two pages = one sheet)

2. You can print too the article in french (two pages = another sheet) to show this is an international action - No printer ? See post-card option at the end of the article.

3. Send both sheets to

Ulf Johansson or Lars Ströman or Redaktion
Nerikes Allehanda
N Strandgatan 5
701 92 Örebro

4. Postage rates from USA, from Canada, from UK, from Ireland, from Australia and from New-Zealand. Citizens from other countries, please check your own postage rates.

5. Once done, please refer your action with a click to incite other people to act...

6. Already through with it ? You want more ? Why not discovering other actions (Check the Home Page) ?

7. Feel free to talk about this action and other ones in the sites, forum, chats you use to visite.

POST-CARD suggestion text
"Congratulation to Nerikes Allehanda for its defense of Freedom !" Signature : "hala-pig.blogspot.com


Hamas Palestinian King Lion : propaganda for children, again and again

After killing off its Mickey Mouse-lookalike, Hamas has turned to another Disneyesque character — televising a cartoon with a "Lion King" wannabe to portray the Islamic group's victory in the Gaza Strip over the Fatah movement.

The cartoon depicts Fatah members as sneaky rats, brandishing guns and being showered with U.S. dollars, while Hamas is portrayed as a confident, calm lion that resembles Simba in the 1994 Walt Disney Co. movie "The Lion King."

The five-minute video, titled "A message to the criminal gangs in the occupied West Bank," is the second production of the Hamas-run Al Aqsa TV enlisting a famous Disney character.
Read more on Yahoo News

Have a look too on Hamas Hamas Bee and the Death of Hamas Mickey Mouse

Bonus (video of May) : nice school celebration in Hamassistan.


English humorist Pat Condell mocks islam, politicians and especially Freddy Thielemans, with mordant irony

Pat Condell, 56, is a comedian, an author and a blogger who targets all religions. But Pat understood that islam is clearly the worst of all of them. Member of the National Secular Society, he has now a lot of success with his videos that we appreciate very much at the Halal Pig for their irony. Our leftists should hear what he says... His last video "Islam in Europe" refers to the recent delirium tremens of Freddy Thielemans regarding the 9/11.

Next video "In trouble with islam" has been seen by more than one million people.

Pat Condell refers to Banaz Mahmod when speaking about the young murdered by a quranised nut family : check the pathetic story here.

Don't hesitate to go in action against dhimmitude of Freddy : check our actions here and there.

Special thanks to
Insoumission and to Bafweb


Congratulation to Geert Wilders !

by Imam Oink-Oink and Muezzin London Dry Djinn Article en français : cliquez
SITA UN TIMBRE SITA UNE MINUTE ACTION PAYS-BASGeert Wilders Dutch MP Geert Wilders on 8th of August called for a ban on the Koran in the Netherlands, describing it as a "fascist book" which exhorts people to kill non-believers and rape women, AFP said

The dhimmi Dutch government blamed these words "offending for the majority of the Muslims in Netherlands and outside of Netherlands, these muslims who firmly reject hatred and violence", a press released of the Housing and Integrating Ministery. But... where are these muslim who would reject the soura 9 of the quran for instance ?

Though, it is the Quran that appeals to hatred and violence. For those who ignore it, they should pass ten minutes of their life reading the abrogating sura number 9 before go on reading this article. The amateurs of comparated translations can go and read too here, here, here, here, here et here. And if you're a Reuters journalist and if you want to do a good job, you should go and read too.

The minister said Wilders’ comments, published in Volkskrant, are ‘damaging’ to inter-community relations and could deepen the gap between Muslims and non-Muslims..

The leader of the Freedom Party PVV wrote this in a letter published in the Volkskrant on the 8th of August. The politician compares the Islamic holy book with Adolf Hilter's Mein Kampf, which has been banned from sale in the Netherlands since the end of World War II.

Although the Nazi text is banned from sale, it is available in some libraries and ownership of the text is not illegal.

Wilders is willing to allow the Koran as an object of study, but that should be the only exception to the ban. "A ban is a ban. Not only the sale, but also the use in mosques and ownership in a household context should be punishable. If the current legislation does not allow that then a new law on banning the book should be introduced.". He is not the only one who did the Mein Qurampf comparison (french language) and specialists agree about the terror aspect of these two books.

"The Natherlands inister said too that the ban is out of question because there is "the freedom of speech". We recall to the Dutch governement that the freedom of speech although bans the incitement to hatred, murder, violence and the eulogy of crime, in everything that orders sura 9.

Geert Wilders rejects the idea of a moderate Islam because "Several suras (chapters of the Koran) call upon Muslims to oppress or kill Jews, Christians, people of different faiths and unfaithful, to rape women and use violence to establish a global Muslim state. There are too many suras that incite Muslims to be violent" he said in the letter. And you just have to read quran by yourself (and suna) to see that it is absolutly true.

coran appliquer tue mohammed"Enough is enough," the faction leader writes. After calling the increase in the number of Muslims in the Netherlands a "tsunami of Islamisation" during his election campaign, and his call for a halt on the construction of mosques and a ban on burqas, the politician is now targeting the Koran: "a fascist book," according to Wilders. And we, citizens of Europe, we say bravo ! Though the ban will not be easy to obtain, but a first step could consists in making an obligation of warning messages printed on the covers of the Quran exactly as it is done for cigarettes (Example in french, right picture : "Apply kills")

Els Lucas dhimmi islamFollowing the publication in the Volkskrant, attorney dhimmi Els Lucas (left picture) from Lelystad, 40 kilometres north of Amsterdam, filed a complaint with the Dutch police. Lucas said Wilders' statements about Islam and Muslims violated Dutch law. His comparison between the Koran and Mein Kampf and his call upon the people not to allow any more Muslim immigrants, were particularly problematic.

His remarks could be defined as incitement against people of the Muslim faith, which is prohibited under Dutch law, Lucas said. The ministry of Justice confirmed a complaint against Wilders had been filed to the Dutch police.

His statement comes in response to the recent attacks on Ehsan Jami, founder of the Committee for Former Muslims. He says the perpetrators use the Qur'an as an excuse for the attacks. Ehsan lives now under police protection...

Geert Wilders added this week that the koran is a fascist book « unless removing the bad verses. But in that case, it will not remain so much of it. The Koran will be as thick as Mickey Mouse magazine. ». That's right. In 1786 already, Savary, one of the first translator of the koran, reached exactly that same conclusion by publishing a book titled "Morale de Mahomet". It was a koran where he had removed, as he stated in a warning, "everything obviously wrong or fanatic". A koran is about 500 pages, this digest by Savary is only 55 pages ! Between 1784 and nowadays, the only difference is that in 1784 Mickey Mouse Comic did not existed. Koran, on the other hand, existed, exactly the same to the smallest coma, and this is the problem.


Freedom recipe : how to support freedom not only for dutch people but also for us, people of (still) free countries.

1a. Print this article (two first pages = one sheet). No printer ? Act with postcards (see 2 a and 2 b)).
1b. Print the french version of this article (two first pages = one sheet) to show it is an international action or print the article "Axis of islam : the verses of hate" (two first pages = one sheet)

2a. Congratulation mail to Geert Wilders. Simply send the printed texts (see 1a and 1b) or write on a postcard (suggestion) : "Congratulations : Free Europe is with you to ban the quran ! Courage !". Signature : halal-pig.blogspot.com

Geert Wilders
Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal
Postbus 20018

2b. Blame mail to dhimmi Els Lucas. Send the sheets (see 1a and 1b) or write on a post card : "The Quran WILL BE (underlined) banned from Europe. Forget about persecuting Geert Wilders then freely pack and leave, before to be forced to. We suggest you go to the small islamic paradise of Saudi-Arabia." Signature on the postcard : "halal-pig.blogspot.com"

Els Lucas
Nauta & Lucas Advocaten
De Veste 10-02

5. Postage rates from USA, from Canada, from UK, from Ireland, from Australia and from New-Zealand. Citizens from other countries, please check your own postage rates.

6. After you've done it, please refer your action with a click to incite other people to act...

7. Already through with it ? You want more ? Why not discovering other actions (available soon) or participate to our first action to Brussels ?

8. Feel free to talk about this action and other ones in the sites, forum, chats you use to visite.


Jihad : The Musical. Sorab Wabia sings "I wanna be like Osama"

Jihad The Musical Sorab Wabia I wanna be like OssamaVisit "Jihad : the Musical" for more.


SIOE 911 Brussels Demo : we'll march to celebrate Freddy Thielemans birthday !

by Imam Oink-Oink - Action en français
SITA BELGIQUESequel of the previous action SITA regarding the ban of the demonstration against islamisation of Europe. New elements suggest to send a fighting post-card (french language, but good illustrations about what is a fighting post-card or a birthday card) with this text : " My dear Bourgführer, because i want to celebrate your birthday, i absolutly want to march for democratie next septembre 11 in Brussells" Signature halal-pig.blogspot.com. Adresses, below video. For those who think that this video is a little bit nasty, here are the words said by the "bourgmestre" of Bruxelles to Philippe Mottet, mayor of Angoulême, France in a dinner when the death of pope Joan Pol II were anounced in 2005 : « Champagne for everybody and sparkling water for M. Philippe Mottet. » (Thielemans is born on september 11 1944)

1. Send your mail to :

Monsieur Freddy Thielemans, maire de Bruxelles
Hôtel de Ville
Grand-Place 1
1000 Bruxelles

A member of the municipal council of Brussels, chosen in this list : same address.
Alternative post-card text : "Because i want to celebrate the birthday of Bourgführer Thielemans, i will march for democratie next septembre 11 in Brussells"

5. Postage rates from USA, from Canada, from UK, from Ireland, from Australia and from New-Zealand. Citizens from other countries, please check your own postage rates.

6. After you've done it, please refer your action with a click to incite other people to act...

7. There's a petition too, don't hesitate to sign it, but we think, like Amnesty International, that letters are more useful. Anyway, it's useful to see how many we are. But there's a good way to make the petition really useful : copy-past the following message in the comment section :-) : " Participate to the action SITA : http://halal-pig.blogspot.com/2007/08/sioe-demonstration-dhimmi-mayor-of.html "

8. Already through with it ? You want more ? Why not discovering other actions (available soon) or participate to our first action to Brussels ?

9. Feel free to talk about this action and other ones in the sites, forum, chats you use to visite.

Free : a BadAss Marine slam poetry

Words available at Badassmarine.com. French translation here.


Top Jihad - July 2007 - The Islamic Terror Chart

by Imam Oink-Oink - Top Djihad en français
The datas are given by Thereligionofpeace.com, please, check this site to know more about these.

This month, in the world (comparison with june) 2189 killed (+ 668) 2618 injured (+ 640) at 278 operations (+ 40) in 14 countries (=). The average attack killed between 7 and 8 persons (+ 1) and injured between 9 and 10 persons (+1) (7.87 killed per operation and 9.53 injured).

Irak has 72% of the killed (-4%), 67% of the injured (-5%) and 34% (-1%) of all operations made by the Religion of Peace.

1. (=) IRAQ 1577 killed (+420) / 1766 injured (+347) / 95 operations (+12) / average 16.6 killed (+2.7).
2. (+5) PAKISTAN 254 killed (+226) / 422 injured (+384) / 41 operations (+28)/ average 6.2 killed (+3.6).
3. (-1) AFGHANISTAN 117 killed (+10) / 102 injured (-92) / 29 opérations(+3) / average 4 killed (-0.1).
4. (=) SOMALIA 86 killed (+40) / 80 injured (+20) / 32 operations(+12) / average 2.7 killed (+0.4).
5. (-1) THAILAND 34 killed (-30) / 45 injured (-57) / 32 operations (-11) / average 1.1 killed (-0.4).
6. (-1) LEBANON 24 killed (-17) / 63 injured (+24) / 5 operations (-6) / average 4.8 killed (+0.7).
7. (+1) INDIA 24 killed (+2) / 53 injured (+10) / 16 operations (-1) / average 1.5 killed (+0.2).
8. (+2) RUSSIA 21 killed (+17) / 24 injured (+20) / 10 operations (+8) / average 2.1 killed (+0.1).
9. (+6 In again) PHILIPPINES 18 killed / 10 injured / 4 operations / average 4.5 killed.
10. (-1) ALGERIA 14 killed (+6) / 45 injured (+19) / 5 operations (=) / average 2.8 killed (=).
11. (E) YEMEN 10 killed / 8 injured / 1 operation / average 10 killed
12. (-5) PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY 7 killed (-24) / 0 injured (-38) / 5 operations / average 1.4 killed (-2.3)
13. (E) NIGERIA 2 killed / 0 injured / 2 operations / average 1 killed
14. (E) IRAN 1 killed / 0 injured / 1 operation / average 1 tué
19. (Out of June) ETHIOPIA, ISRAEL.
21. (Out of May) TURKEY, MOROCCO
One year is requested without an attack to be out of this chart.

07/07/07 Iraq Tuz Khurmatu 156 killed 255 injured. Sunnis launch a very successful attack against Shia civilians, blasting to death over one-hundred and fifty at an open-air market.
07/16/07 Iraq Kirkuk 85 killed 180 injured. Sunni suicide truck bombers massacre eighty-five Iraqi civilians near a Kurdish political office.
07/26/07 Iraq Baghdad 61 killed 94 injured. ihadis murder at least sixty Iraqis with a parked car bomb at a busy market.
07/25/07 Iraq Baghdad 58 killed 125 injured. Islamic terrorists stage two massive car bombings that slaughter over fifty Iraqis celebrating their country's soccer win in the street.
07/16/07 Iraq Baghdad 39 killed 45 injured. Muslim terrorists rack up forty dead Iraqis in various sectarian attacks.

Top Jihad of June (french language)


Islam in France, or why you should avoid to visit France by car

These idiots are not even afraid to show there faces to the camera....

Nationalism, fascism and islam in the Olympique de Marseille stadium

islam fascism algeria marseille muslimsIslamofascist flag of Algeria made this week before a football (soccer) match by a mob of young algerian nationalists in Velodrome Stadium of Marseille, France. (If you look carefully at the picture, you can see a very very little french flag...). These persons are the friends of those who stoned young women with dry sausages last month during the Tour de France .


SIOE demonstration : dhimmi mayor of Brussels refuses permission for rally. Action !

Open letter to Europeans by Paul Weston, action proposed by Imam Oink-Oink. Texte et action en français

SITA BELGIQUESITA UN TIMBRE SITA UNE MINUTE ACTION RESISTANCE EUROPEles visiteurs du blog du cochon HallalIt had to happen. It was just a matter of when. Writers on sites such as Gates of Vienna have spent years detailing the totalitarian impulses of the European Union and the associated apparatchiks riding on their coat tails.

And now it is out in the open. A peaceful democratic protest, organised by people with no trace of historically violent behaviour is banned because the Mayor of Brussels, a Mr Freddie Thielemans, believes he cannot guarantee the safety of the public, and perhaps more pertinently, does not wish to upset the delicate sensibilities of Brussels’s large resident Muslim community.

What a sense of relief!

Those hours spent researching, reading and writing up on the European Union and it’s dastardly plans for it’s “community” of citizens were not in vain. No matter how right we may have thought we were, there was always that nagging doubt in the back of one’s mind that perhaps it was all too fantastical to be true; is it really possible that white Western European leaders (unelected, but surely javascript:void(0)
Publier le messagethat too could not be true, after all we live in a democracy do we not?) were intent on betraying and sacrificing their own people, all half a billion of them, in their pursuit of power and a seat at the never ending trough of financial swill?

But now the face of Europe’s totalitarian New Order has exposed itself in all of it’s slippery, devious, treacherous, lying, naked ambition. If they are prepared to deny free speech and freedom to demonstrate, then what else will they deny us? Could those scarcely believable tales, spun across the “right wing” web sites, making outrageous claims that the EU wanted to incorporate old Christian Europe into a new Islamic entity called Eurabia possibly be true?

And if that is the case, what of the threat of arrest by Europol, (whose headquarters is rather fittingly the ex-Gestapo headquarters) followed by transportation and trial before Eurojust, with both organisations taking precedence over and above the judicial and police departments of national countries. Can it really be the case that such an arrest can take place for mere criticism of an EU institution, a criticism subsequently identified as a criminal act of xenophobic hatred?

These must just be rumours; it is too Orwellian, too Big Brotherish to possibly be true. But these plans are already in the EU pipeline, waiting for the day to come, and come it will before the next two years are out, after which the EU will have total control of it’s subject peoples. No more elections, no more sovereignty, no nation states, no freedom, just an imminent minority status of jizyah paying Dhimmitude.

Will you be able to leave the EU? I doubt it. A gigantic experiment in “social justice” coupled with an ageing population will require an ever-increasing tax burden on its working population. If you think you will be able to jump ship and leg it to Australia then think again buddy boy; without the taxpayer the EU will implode. They need your tax euros’ and you ain’t going nowhere.

As is often the case in history, world-changing events spring from nowhere. If the mayor of Brussels had given his approval to the 11th September demonstration, it is likely that a few thousand would have turned up, waved a few flags and gone home again. The media would have ignored it and the EU would continue on its merry way to full totalitarian rule.

But now the gloves are off. By showing his totalitarian hand before the EU has total power, mayor Thielemans has allowed us a vision of our future, and that vision is of jackboots, flags, gulags, servitude, secret police, religious police, and “mental institutions” for those not toeing the political/religious line.

We may be unable to stop the EU doing anything it wishes to do in a couple of years time - the internet will be blocked, dissidents imprisoned and telephones tapped - but we can do something about it now.

And that something is to be in Brussels on Sep 11th. This may be your one and only chance to make an impression on our EU masters before they make your protest impossible.

By outlawing a democratic demonstration, mayor Thielemans has laid down a marker that will be studied closely by the Brussels politicians. He has slapped our face with his glove, issued a challenge, fired the FIRST shot in a new war. If you run away and hide after the opening salvo then we are finished as a people, a culture and a civilisation.

Don’t let Thielemans and his EU cronies’ notch up a victory after just one act of aggression. Do your duty. Book that ticket for Brussels. In years to come we may well look back and note that 10th August 2007 saw the beginnings of resistance or the beginning of the end.


Now it's time for Emir Fred-Dhimmi Thielemans to ban a possible coming of Talisma Nasreen, victim of a peaceful believers reaction this week (video).

Make sure that the mayor of Brussels and his friends will read this letter.

1. Print this article. (two pages = one sheet)

2. Print the first pages of this article about the quran. (two sheets = another sheet)

3. No Printer ? We suggest to send this text on a post-card :
"No demonstration on the 11 september 2007. Muslims are too many, too intolerant and too violent so, in a democraty, we can't allow that people can march peacefully against their religion of peace" Signature : Fred-Dhimmi the First, Emir of Brusselsistan, decoded by halal-pig.blogspot.com

4. Send the two sheets to :

Monsieur Freddy Thielemans, maire de Bruxelles
Hôtel de Ville
Grand-Place 1
1000 Bruxelles

A member of the municipal council of Brussels, chosen in this list : same address.

Don't hesitate to send a mail to some Members of the parliament of your own country !

5. Postage rates from USA, from Canada, from UK, from Ireland, from Australia and from New-Zealand. Citizens from other countries, please check your own postage rates.

6. After you've done it, please refer your action with a click to incite other people to act...

7. There's a petition too, don't hesitate to sign it, but we think, like Amnesty International, that letters are more useful. Anyway, it's useful to see how many we are. But there's a good way to make the petition really useful copy-past this message in the comment section :-) : Participate to the action SITA : http://halal-pig.blogspot.com/2007/08/sioe-demonstration-dhimmi-mayor-of.html

8. Already through with it ? You want more ? Why not discovering other actions (available soon)

9. Feel free to talk about this action and other ones in the sites, forum, chats you use to visite.


Welcome in France (short video)