Halal Pig International


SIOE 911 Brussels Demo : we'll march to celebrate Freddy Thielemans birthday !

by Imam Oink-Oink - Action en français
SITA BELGIQUESequel of the previous action SITA regarding the ban of the demonstration against islamisation of Europe. New elements suggest to send a fighting post-card (french language, but good illustrations about what is a fighting post-card or a birthday card) with this text : " My dear Bourgführer, because i want to celebrate your birthday, i absolutly want to march for democratie next septembre 11 in Brussells" Signature halal-pig.blogspot.com. Adresses, below video. For those who think that this video is a little bit nasty, here are the words said by the "bourgmestre" of Bruxelles to Philippe Mottet, mayor of Angoulême, France in a dinner when the death of pope Joan Pol II were anounced in 2005 : « Champagne for everybody and sparkling water for M. Philippe Mottet. » (Thielemans is born on september 11 1944)

1. Send your mail to :

Monsieur Freddy Thielemans, maire de Bruxelles
Hôtel de Ville
Grand-Place 1
1000 Bruxelles

A member of the municipal council of Brussels, chosen in this list : same address.
Alternative post-card text : "Because i want to celebrate the birthday of Bourgführer Thielemans, i will march for democratie next septembre 11 in Brussells"

5. Postage rates from USA, from Canada, from UK, from Ireland, from Australia and from New-Zealand. Citizens from other countries, please check your own postage rates.

6. After you've done it, please refer your action with a click to incite other people to act...

7. There's a petition too, don't hesitate to sign it, but we think, like Amnesty International, that letters are more useful. Anyway, it's useful to see how many we are. But there's a good way to make the petition really useful : copy-past the following message in the comment section :-) : " Participate to the action SITA : http://halal-pig.blogspot.com/2007/08/sioe-demonstration-dhimmi-mayor-of.html "

8. Already through with it ? You want more ? Why not discovering other actions (available soon) or participate to our first action to Brussels ?

9. Feel free to talk about this action and other ones in the sites, forum, chats you use to visite.
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  • At August 16, 2007 at 1:20 PM, Blogger CarnackiUK said…

    Good idea, HP, for sending the 'fighting' postcards and birthday cards!

    Some Belgians are suggesting everyone at the Brussels demo brings a birthday card for Freddy (maybe with a pig/cochon but doesn't have to be) and holds it up for the cameras...Will make a great news image!


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